
Country fiches: Sweden

In Sweden, general provisions of criminal procedure apply to the investigation and prosecution of the intellectual property crimes. These crime fall under the general rules of jurisdiction.

IP crimes are regulated in specialised legislation. Only trade secret violations are included into the Swedish Penal Code.

Verified in October 2023

National legislation

National legislation on intellectual property crimes

Copyright violations

Counterfeiting of trademark

Patent violations

Industrial design violations

Violations of geographical indications of origin

Violations of plant variety rights

Trade Secrets violations

Sections 27-28 of Act on Protection of Trade Secrets

Chapter 20, Section 3 of the Penal Code

Other offences:

Chapter 19 Sections 5 and 6 in the Penal Code regulates liability for espionage

Chapter 19 Section 7 of the Penal Code regulates liability for unlawful dealing with secret information

Chapter 19 Section 9 in the Penal Code regulates negligent dealing with confidential information

National contacts

National contacts

Law Enforcement Agencies

The IP crimes’ investigation fall under the competence of National Operations Department (NOA) of the Swedish Police. The NOA as a specialised Intellectual Property Unit (NOA-IP).

Intellectual Property Unit (NOA-IP)

+46 10 56 397 89

Polhemsgatan 30, Stockholm



The prosecution of the IP from fall under the competencies of the Swedish Prosecution Authority.

There is no specialised unit within the Swedish Prosecution Authority responsible for the prosecution of IP crimes.

Public Prosecutor’s Office

+46 10 562 50 00

P.O. Box 5553, 114 85 Stockholm



There are no specialised courts on IP crimes. This type of crime fall under general court system. The general courts are organised in a three-tier system:

  • District Courts;
  • Courts of Appeals;
  • The Supreme Court.

Swedish Courts

List of Swedish courts and their contact details: Allmänna domstolar

Sveriges Domstolar

Judicial libraries

Judicial libraries


This is a public and free database. Registration is not required.


Access to judgments from:

  • District Courts (1st instance).


This is a public and free database. Registration is not required.


Access to judgments from:

  • Göta Court of Appeal (2nd instance)
  • Court of Appeal for Lower Norrland (2nd instance)
  • Court of Appeal for Western Sweden (2nd instance)
  • Court of Appeal for Upper Norrland (2nd instance)
  • Court of Appeal for Skåne and Blekinge (2nd instance).
  • Svea Court of Appeal (2nd instance).


This is a public and free database. Registration is not required.

The Supreme Court

Selected judgments from:

  • Supreme Court (3rd instance).

Other available resources:

  • information about appeals and leave to appeal,
  • information about applications and complaints,
  • press releases.