
Country fiches: Estonia

In Estonia, general provisions of criminal procedure apply to the investigation and prosecution of intellectual property crimes. These crimes fall under the general rules of jurisdiction.

Verified in October 2023

National legislation

National legislation on intellectual property crimes

Copyright violations

Articles 219, 222 to 2251 of the Penal Code
Copyright Act, passed on 11 November 1992, RT I 1992, 49, 615

Counterfeiting of trademark

Articles 226 and 227 of the Penal Code
Trade Marks Act, passed on 22 May 2002, RT I 2002, 49, 308

Patent violations

Article 226 of the Penal Code
Patents Act, passed on 16 March 1994, RT I 1994, 25, 406

Industrial design violations

Article 226 of the Penal Code
Industrial Design Protection Act, passed on 18 November 1997, RT I 1997, 87, 1466
Industrial Design Protection Act:
Tööstusdisaini kaitse seadus–Riigi Teataja

Violations of geographical indications of origin

Article 226 of the Penal Code
Geographical Indication Protection Act, passed on 15 December 1999, RT I 1999, 102, 907
Geographical Indication Protection Act:
Geograafilise tähise kaitse seadus–Riigi Teataja

Violations of plant variety rights

Article 226 of the Penal Code
Plant Propagation and Plant Variety Rights Act, passed on 08 December 2005, RT I 2005, 70, 540
Plant Propagation and Plant Variety Rights Act:
Taimede paljundamise ja sordikaitse seadus–Riigi Teataja

Trade Secrets violations

Article 377 of the Penal Code
Restriction of Unfair Competition and Protection of Business Secrets Act, passed on 21 November 2018
Restriction of Unfair Competition and Protection of Business Secrets Act:
Ebaausa konkurentsi takistamise ja ärisaladuse kaitse seadus–Riigi Teataja

National contacts

National contacts

Law Enforcement Agencies

IP crime investigation falls under the competences of the Estonian Police and Border Guard Board.

There is no specialised unit to investigate IP crimes.

Estonian Police and Border Guard Board

Pärnu mnt 139, Tallinn, 15060

Police and Border Guard Board (politsei.ee)


IP crime prosecution falls under the general competence of the Public Prosecutor’s Offices.

There is no specialised unit dealing with IP crime prosecution.

Public Prosecutor’s Offices

+372 6 944 274

Wismari 7, 15188 Tallinn

A list of Regional Prosecutor’s Offices and their contact details can be found here

Avaleht | Prokuratuur


There are no specialised courts on IP crime. This type of crime falls under the general court system.

The general courts are organised in a three-tier system:

  • County Courts;
  • Administrative Courts;
  • Circuit Courts;
  • The Supreme Court.

Estonian Courts

Contact details based on the region: access here

Kohtusüsteem on kolmeastmeline | Eesti Kohtud (kohus.ee)

Judicial libraries

Judicial libraries


Public and free database. No registration is required.

Kõik kohtumenetlused–Riigi Teataja

All judgments from:

  • County Courts (1st instance)
  • Administrative Courts (1st instance)
  • Circuit Courts (2nd instance)
  • Supreme Court (3rd instance)

Other available legislation:

  • texts of Estonian legislation


Public and free database. No registration is required.

Lahendid | Riigikohus

Selected judgments from:

  • Supreme Court (3rd instance)

Other available legislation:

  • list of past and upcoming cases,
  • information on references for a preliminary ruling by the Court of Justice of the European Union from Estonian courts,
  • reviews of the practice of the Supreme Court,
  • summaries of judgments of the Court of Justice of the European Union,
  • summaries of the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR).