
Country fiches: Lithuania

IP crimes are regulated in the Lithuanian Criminal Code, chapters on crimes against intellectual and industrial property, and on crimes and misdemeanours against the economy and business order. The criminal code provisions shall be applicable together with special laws on various intellectual property rights.

In Lithuania, general provisions of criminal procedure apply to the investigation and prosecution of the intellectual property crimes. These crimes fall under the general rules of jurisdiction.

Verified in November 2023

National legislation

National legislation on intellectual property crimes

Copyright violations

Articles 191 to 194 of the Criminal Code

Counterfeiting of trademark

Articles 195 and 204 of the Criminal Code

Patent violations

Articles 195 and 204 of the Criminal Code

Industrial design violations

Articles 195 and 204 of the Criminal Code

Criminal Code: 
VIII-1968 Lietuvos Respublikos baudžiamojo kodekso patvirtinimo ir įsigaliojimo įstatymas. Baudžiamasis kod... (lrs.lt)

Law on Designs, No. IX-1181 of 7 November 2002 (as amended up to Law No. XIII-2857 of 21 April 2020) : 
IX-1181 Lietuvos Respublikos dizaino įstatymas (lrs.lt)

Violations of geographical indications of origin

Articles 195 and 204 of the Criminal Code

Violations of plant variety rights

Articles 195 and 204 of the Criminal Code

Criminal Code: 
VIII-1968 Lietuvos Respublikos baudžiamojo kodekso patvirtinimo ir įsigaliojimo įstatymas. Baudžiamasis kod... (lrs.lt)

Law on the Protection of Plant Varieties, No. IX–618 of 22 November 2001 (as amended up to Law No. XIV-253 of 15 April 2021): 
IX-618 Lietuvos Respublikos augalų veislių apsaugos įstatymas (lrs.lt)

Trade Secrets violations

National contacts

National contacts

Law Enforcement Agencies

The IP crimes’ investigation fall under the competence of County Chief Police Commissariats.

There are no specialised units for the IP crime investigation.

Office of Commissioner-General of the Police

+370 5 271 6444

Saltoniškių g. 19, 08105 Vilnius

Structure and contacts | Police Department


The prosecution of the IP crime falls under the competencies of the District Prosecutor’s Offices and Prosecutor General‘s Office. There is no specialised unit responsible for the prosecution of IP crimes.

District Prosecutor’s Offices

List of District Prosecutor’s Offices and their contact details: Darbuotojų kontaktai | Lietuvos Respublikos prokuratūra

Prosecutor General’s Office

+370 5 250 0970

Rinktinės g. 5A, LT-01515 Vilnius

Lietuvos Respublikos prokuratūra


There are no specialised courts on IP crimes. This type of crime fall under general court system.

The general courts are organised in a three-tier system:

  • District Courts;
  • Regional Courts;
  • Court of Appeals;
  • The Supreme Court.

Lithuanian Courts

List of Lithuanian courts and their contact details: Lietuvos teismai

Lietuvos teismai

Judicial libraries

Judicial libraries


This is a public and free database. Registration is not required.


All judgments from:

  • District Courts (1st instance)
  • Regional Courts (1st and 2nd instance)
  • Appellate Courts (2nd instance)
  • Supreme Administrative Court (1st and 2nd instance)
  • Supreme Court (3rd instance).


This is a public and free database. Registration is not required.


All judgments from:

  • District Courts (1st instance)
  • Regional Courts (1st and 2nd instance)
  • Appellate Courts (2nd instance)
  • Supreme Administrative Court (1st and 2nd instance)
  • Supreme Court (3rd instance).


This is a public and free database. Registration is not required.


All judgments (since 1993) from:

  • Constitutional Court.

Other available resources:

  • Constitutional Court’s resolutions and conclusions,
  • decisions on individual constitutional complaints,
  • president’s decrees and reports,
  • selected Official Constitutional Doctrine (1993 – 2000).