
Country fiches: Finland

In Finland, general provisions of criminal procedure apply to the investigation and prosecution of intellectual property crimes. These crimes fall under the general rules of jurisdiction.

Verified in November 2023

National legislation

National legislation on intellectual property crimes

Copyright violations

Chapter 49, s 1 of the Criminal Code
Criminal Code: 
Read document
Article 56a of the Copyright Act 404/1961
Copyright Act:
(amendments only up to 608/2015)
Read document

Counterfeiting of trademark

Chapter 49, s2 of the Criminal Code
Criminal Code: 
(amendments only up to 433/2021 included)
Read document
Section 74 of the Trademarks Act 544/2019 and (EC) Trademark Regulation 2017/1001
Trademarks Act (in Finnish language):
Tavaramerkkilaki 544/2019 | EDILEX

Patent violations

Chapter 49, s2 of the Criminal Code
Criminal Code:
(amendments only up to 433/2021 included)
Read document
Section 57 of the Patents Act 550/1967
Patents Act:
(amendments only up to 650/2000)
Read document

Industrial design violations

Chapter 49, s2 of the Criminal Code
Criminal Code:
(amendments only up to 433/2021 included)
Read document
Section 35b of the Registered Designs Act (221/1971) and (EC) Community Designs Regulation 6/2002
Registered Designs Act:
(amendments only up to 620/2002)
Read document

Violations of geographical indications of origin

Chapter 49 of the Criminal Code

No specific legislation exists on protected designations of origin and protected geographical indications, as the applicable EU regulations (510/2006, 1234/2007, 110/2008) are directly applicable in Finland.

Criminal Code:
(amendments only up to 433/2021 included)
Read document

Violations of plant variety rights

Chapter 49, s2 of the Criminal Code
Criminal Code:
(amendments only up to 433/2021 included)
Read document
Chapter 9, s 41 - 43 of the Plant Breeder’s Rights Act (1279/2009)
Plant Breeder’s Rights Act:
Read document

Trade Secrets violations

Chapter 30, s 4 - 6 of the Criminal Code
Criminal Code:
(amendments only up to 433/2021 included)
Read document
Trade Secrets Act 595/2018

Other IP rights

Violations of utility models

Chapter 49, s2 of the Criminal Code
Criminal Code:
(amendments only up to 433/2021 included)
Read document
Act on Utility Model Rights (800/1991)
Act on Utility Model (in Finnish language):
Act on Utility Models 800/1991 | EDILEX

Violations of integrated circuit models

Chapter 49, s2 of the Criminal Code
Criminal Code:
(amendments only up to 433/2021 included)
Read document
Act on Exclusive Rights to Layout-Designs (Topographies) of Integrated Circuits (32/1991)
Act on Exclusive Rights to Layout-Designs of Integrated Circuits (in Finnish language):
Laki yksinoikeudesta integroidun piirin piirimalli... 32/1991 | EDILEX

National contacts

National contacts

Law Enforcement Agencies

IP crime investigations are conducted by the Finnish Police and Finnish Customs based on the location.

Neither the Police nor Customs have units specialised in IP investigations.

Finnish Police

+358 295 470 011

Contacts based on the location: access here

Frontpage - Police (poliisi.fi)

Finnish Customs

Contacts based on the location: access here

Henkilöasiakkaat - etusivu - Tulli


The investigation of industrial property crimes falls under the competence of specialised prosecutors of the Prosecution District of Southern Finland.

Recently, a special team was set up to prosecute IP and cybercrimes, as well as criminal offences related to business secrets.

Prosecution District of Southern Finland

+ 358 29 562 2100

Porkkalankatu 13, FI-00180 Helsinki

Contact information | Syyttäjälaitos (syyttajalaitos.fi)


IP crimes fall under industrial property offenses. The Helsinki District Court has jurisdiction over these cases as a first instance court.

The Helsinki Court of Appeals is the second instance court for IP-related criminal cases.

The Supreme Court is the third and final instance.

Helsinki District Court

+ 358 2956 44273

Porkkalankatu 13, 00180 Helsinki 

Contact details of the Helsinki Court of Appeals: access here
Contact details of the Supreme Court: access here

District Court of Helsinki - Helsingin käräjäoikeus

Judicial libraries

Judicial libraries


Public and free database. No registration is required.

Etusivu - FINLEX ®

Selected judgments from:

  • Regional Administrative Courts (1st instance)
  • Courts of Appeal (2nd instance)
  • Supreme Court (3rd instance)
  • Supreme Administrative Court
  • Market Law Court
  • Labour Court

Other available resources:

  • Acts of parliament, decrees and treaties.


Public and free database. No registration is required.

Ennakkopäätökset - Korkein oikeus

Selected judgments from:

  • Supreme Court (3rd instance)

Other judgments of the Supreme Court are available in the Finlex database
