
Country fiches: Croatia

In Croatia, general provisions of criminal procedure apply to the investigation and prosecution of the intellectual property crimes. These crime fall under the general rules of jurisdiction.

Verification pending

National legislation

National legislation on intellectual property crimes


Copyright violations

Articles 284-286 of the Criminal Code
Criminal Code: 
Kazneni zakon - Zakon.hr
Copyright and Related Rights Act 111/2021

Counterfeiting of trademark

Article 288 of the Criminal Code
Criminal Code: 
Kazneni zakon - Zakon.hr
Article 288 of the Trademarks Act 14/2019
Trademarks Act 14/2019: 
Read document

Patent violations

Article 287 of the Criminal Code
Criminal Code: 
Kazneni zakon - Zakon.hr
Articles 155 and 156 of the Patent Act 16/2020
Patent Act 16/2020: 
Read document

Industrial design violations

Article 58 of the Industrial Design Act

Violations of geographical indications of origin

Article 289 of the Criminal Code
Criminal Code: 
Kazneni zakon - Zakon.hr
Article 53 of the Act on Geographical Indications and Designations of Origin of Products and Services 46/2018
Act on Geographical Indications and Designations of Origin of Products and Services 46/2018: 
Read document

Trade Secrets violations

Article 262 of the Criminal Code
Criminal Code: 
Kazneni zakon - Zakon.hr
Act on the Protection of Undisclosed Information with Market Value 30/2018
Act on the Protection of Undisclosed Information with Market Value 30/2018: 
Read document

National contacts

National contacts

Law Enforcement Agencies

The IP crimes investigations are conducted by the Croatian police force. There is no specialized unit to investigate IP crimes.

To perform the regular police activities, and administrative organisation - General Police Directorate - was established within the Ministry of Interior. The General Police Directorate is also responsible for the implementation of international agreements on police co-operation.

Croatian Police Forces

Contact details based on the location: access here

Ravnateljstvo policije - Naslovna (gov.hr)

General Police Directorate

+385 1 3788 111

Ilica 335, 10 000 Zagreb

Ravnateljstvo policije - O Ravnateljstvu (gov.hr)


The State Attorney’s Office is responsible for the prosecution of IP crimes.
There is no specialised unit to prosecute IP crimes.

Prosecutor General’s Office

+385 1 4591 888

Gajeva 30a, 10000 Zagreb

Naslovna | DORH


In Croatia, there are no specialised courts on IP crimes. This type of criminal offence falls under the general court system. The general courts are organised in a four-tier system:

  • Municipal Courts;
  • Country Courts;
  • The High Criminal Court;
  • The Supreme Court.

Croatian Courts

Contact details based on the region: access here

Courts of the Republic of Croatia

Judicial libraries

Judicial libraries


Public and free database. No registration is required.

Sudska praksa VSRH

Access to selected judgments from:

  • Municipal Courts (1st instance)
  • County Courts (1st and 2nd instance)
  • Commercial Courts (1st instance)
  • High Commercial Court (2nd instance)
  • High Criminal Court (2nd instance).

All judgments (since 1990) from:

  • Supreme Court (3rd instance)

Other available resources

  • Legal positions