
Country fiches: Slovakia

IP crimes are regulated in the Slovak Criminal Code, Part II, mostly in Chapter V, Division IV, §§ 281 - 283 (Criminal Offences against Industrial Rights and against Copyright), partially in Chapter V, Division II, § 264 (Endangering of Trade, Banking, Postal, Telecommunications and Tax Secrets). The criminal code provisions shall be applicable together with special laws on various intellectual property rights. In Slovakia, general provisions of criminal procedure apply to the investigation and prosecution of the intellectual property crimes. These crimes fall under the general rules of jurisdiction.

Verified in October 2023

National legislation

National legislation on intellectual property crimes

Copyright violations

Article 283 of the Criminal Code

Criminal Code: 
300/2005 Z.z. - Trestný zákon - SLOV-LEX

LAW 185 of 1 July 2015 - Copyright Law: 
185/2015 Z.z. - Autorský zákon - SLOV-LEX

Counterfeiting of trademark

Article 281 of the Criminal Code

Patent violations

Article 282 of the Criminal Code

Criminal Code: 
300/2005 Z.z. - Trestný zákon - SLOV-LEX

LAW 435 of 4 October 2001 on patents, supplementary protection certificates and on amendments to certain laws (patent law): 
435/2001 Z.z. - Zákon o patentoch, dodatkových ochr... - SLOV-LEX

Industrial design violations

Article 282 of the Criminal Code

Violations of geographical indications of origin

Article 281 of the Criminal Code

Criminal Code: 
300/2005 Z.z. - Trestný zákon - SLOV-LEX

LAW 469 of 28 October 2003 on designations of origin for products and geographical indications of products and on the amendment of certain laws: 
469/2003 Z.z. - Zákon o označeniach pôvodu výrobkov... - SLOV-LEX

Violations of plant variety rights

Article 282 of the Criminal Code

Trade Secrets violations

Article 264 of the Criminal Code

Article 250 of the Criminal Code covering abuse of participation in competition

Definition of trade secrets – Articles 17 to Article 20 of the Commercial Code;

Article 51 of the Commercial Code (breach of business secrets in the context of an unfair competition procedure

Other IP rights

Utility models:

Article 282 of the Criminal Code

Topographies of semiconductor products

Article 282 of the Criminal Code

Criminal Code: 
300/2005 Z.z. - Trestný zákon - SLOV-LEX

LAW 146 on 17 March 2000 on the protection of topographies of semiconductor products: 
146/2000 Z. z. – Zákon o ochrane topografií polovodičových výrobkov

Animal breed rights

Article 282 of the Criminal Code

Criminal Code: 
300/2005 Z.z. - Trestný zákon - SLOV-LEX

LAW 194 of 13 May 1998 on the breeding and rearing of livestock:
194/1998 Z. z. - Zákon o šľachtení a plemenitbe hospodárskych zvierat

National contacts

National contacts

Law Enforcement Agencies

The IP crimes’ investigation fall under the competence of general police units.

There is no specialised unit for IP crimes’ investigation.

General Police Units

Račianska 45, 812 72 Bratislava

Ministerstvo vnútra Slovenskej republiky


The prosecution of the IP from fall under the competencies of the Public Prosecutor’s Office.

There is no specialised unit responsible for the prosecution of IP crimes.

Public Prosecutor’s Office

List of Public Prosecutor’s Offices and their contact details: Prokuratúry · Otvorená Prokuratúra

Regional Prosecutor’s Office Bratislava

+421 208 36 252; +421 903 941 301

Vajnorská 1317/47, 831 03 Bratislava, Slovakia

Krajská prokuratúra Bratislava · Otvorená Prokuratúra


There are no specialised courts on IP crimes. This type of crime fall under general court system.

The general courts are organised in a three-tier system:

  • District Courts;
  • Regional Courts;
  • The Supreme Court.

Judicial libraries

Judicial libraries


This is a public and free database. Registration is not required.

Rozhodnutia | Najvyšší súd Slovenskej republiky

Selected judgments from:

  • Supreme Court (3rd instance).

Other available resources:

  • calendar of hearings of the Supreme Court,
  • collection of opinions and decisions, by year,
  • press releases.


Služby - Ministerstvo spravodlivosti SR 

All judgments on criminal cases from:

  • District Courts (1st instance)
  • Specialised Criminal Court (1st instance)
  • Regional Courts (2nd instance)
  • Supreme Court (3rd instance).

Other available resources:

  • access to national legislation,
  • information and contacts of national courts,
  • collection of opinions and decisions, by year,
  • press releases.