
5.4 Cooperation with international organisations

In recent years, international developments have led Eurojust to intensify its cooperation with a number of international organisations. Relying on its unique expertise, partnerships and modern digital tools, the Agency ensures that national borders are no obstacle to prosecuting crime and getting justice done.

In 2023, Eurojust continued to engage with international organisations, as well as competent authorities of countries outside the European Union, to promote closer cooperation in the fight against serious and organised crime. The Agency has built strong ties with international organisations and countries that share the EU’s desire for a more secure world in which equality, the rule of law and human rights are respected.

International Criminal Court (ICC)

Operational cooperation with the ICC continued to intensify in 2023, with the organisation participating in the Eurojust-supported joint investigation team for alleged core international crimes committed in Ukraine. The ICC also participates in the International Centre for the Prosecution of the Crime of Aggression against Ukraine (ICPA), which was established by Eurojust to provide members with tailored operational, technical, logistical and financial support (see section 2.1).

The Guidelines to help Civil Society Organisations document international crimes and human rights violations (jointly developed by Eurojust, the Genocide Network and the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court) is another excellent example of a recent collaboration which gained the Award of the European Ombudsman for Good Administration (see section 3.3).

Furthermore, the recent amendment to the Eurojust Regulation mandates the Agency to exchange evidence with, or otherwise make evidence directly available to, international judicial authorities, in particular the ICC.

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

During 2023, Eurojust worked closely with the UNODC and organised joint events to support cooperation between Europe and West Africa in order to better fight transnational organised crime.

In June, Eurojust and the European Judicial Network hosted a study visit, facilitated by the UNODC, for officials from Nigeria and selected West African countries, while in November, Eurojust hosted a Conference on Transnational Organised Crime affecting West Africa and Europe, co-organised with UNODC and the Siracusa International Institute for Criminal Justice and Human Rights (see section 5.3).

Cooperation with UNODC in preparation of these events was beneficial in facilitating Eurojust’s contacts with Nigeria, and ultimately in promoting closer dialogue between Africa and Europe.

United Nations Investigative Mechanisms

Several international organisations, including the UN OHCHR Sri Lanka accountability project, the Independent Impartial Investigative Mechanism in Syria (IIIM), and the Independent Investigative Mechanisms for Myanmar (IIMM) participated in the 33rd and 34th Genocide Network meetings in 2023 (see section 3.3).

During the 33rd Genocide Network meeting in April 2023, the UN OHCHR Sri Lanka accountability project presented its mandate, including collecting, analysing and preserving information and evidence related to gross violations of human rights. It presented available avenues to support judicial authorities in response to requests for assistance through the framework of the OHCHR and other UN procedures and parameters.

During the 34th Genocide Network meeting, the IIIM highlighted the various ways in which the mechanism may assist in the investigation and prosecution of persons responsible for the most serious crimes under international law committed in the Syrian Arab Republic since March 2011, in particular through its analytical work.

In addition, the Investigative Team to Promote Accountability for Crimes Committed by Da'esh/ISIL in Iraq (UNITAD), an Associate to the Genocide Network, supported an ongoing JIT in 2023 between Sweden, France, Belgium and the Netherlands on ISIL crimes against Yezidis. Beyond this JIT, many cases have already led to successful convictions or are currently ongoing in several EU Member States where UNITAD evidence has proven indispensable.

Both the IIIM and UNITAD actively participated in the closed session discussions during both Genocide Network meetings in 2023, providing invaluable operational support to national authorities in ongoing cases.


In addition to strategic cooperation, Eurojust also collaborates with international organisations in its operational work. A good example of this is the Agency’s cooperation with Interpol in October 2023 in the coordinated arrest of a Swedish national in a cross-border drug trafficking case involving Sweden, Montenegro and Serbia.

Coordinated arrest of Swedish high-value target suspected of major drug trafficking

Crime: A Swedish national, previously convicted for similar crimes, is suspected of aggravated narcotics and weapons offences, as well as illegal possession of explosives. Residing in the Balkans, he allegedly remotely controls his subordinates in an organised crime group involved in drug trafficking in Sweden. He directs them to carry out several criminal activities, such as the trafficking of vast quantities of narcotics and weapons.

Action: Eurojust supports the authorities in Sweden, Serbia and Montenegro in the arrest of the Swedish national suspected of being part of the organised crime group involved in drug trafficking. Following his arrest in Serbia, a procedure is initiated for his extradition to Sweden.

Result: During a joint action day also supported by Interpol, the authorities conduct house searches in Serbia and Montenegro and seize important evidence.

Eurojust's Role: At the request of the Swedish authorities, Eurojust organises a coordinated action day, with the involvement of the Agency’s Serbian and Montenegrin Liaison Prosecutors. Support is also provided with the execution of an International Arrest Warrant and requests for mutual legal assistance.

Flags of SE, RS, ME, logos of Interpol, Eurojust