Eurojust and Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court welcome winning European Ombudsman Award

28 June 2023|PRESS RELEASE

Eurojust, the Genocide Network Secretariat (GNS) hosted at the Agency, and the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (OTP) welcome winning this year’s overall European Ombudsman ‘Award for Good Administration’. European Ombudsman Ms Emily O’Reilly presented the award today in Brussels in light of the joint publication by Eurojust, the GNS and the OTP of guidelines to help Civil Society Organisations document international crimes and human rights violations for accountability purposes.

Eurojust staff at the award ceremony
From left to right: Matevž Pezdirc, Head Genocide Network Secretariat, Emily O’Reilly, European Ombudsman, Cristina Ribeiro, Investigations Coordinator, Office of the Prosecutor, International Criminal Court
28 Jun 2023 - Brussels, Belgium - European Ombudsman 'Award for Good Administration' 2023. © Bernal Revert/ BR&U

The guidelines also received a separate award in the category of ‘Excellence in Citizen-Oriented Delivery’. In total, 57 projects from EU institutions were selected by the Office of the European Ombudsman and its Advisory Board.

The winning project is the result of extensive cooperation between Eurojust, the GNS and the OTP to support and empower Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) that collect and preserve information on international crimes and human rights violations, which may become admissible evidence in court. Concrete guidance is given on how to document information, including information collected on the ground during international conflicts.

The guidelines were drawn up building on the expertise of the OTP, Eurojust, the GNS, CSOs, national prosecutors and international partners, and were presented in September 2022. The guidelines respond to requests from many CSOs and other stakeholders for clearer guidance on how to effectively support investigations and prosecutions for war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide taking place in national and international jurisdictions. The guidelines are available in English, French, Spanish, Arabic and, as of today, Ukrainian.

The Genocide Network enables close cooperation between national authorities when investigating and prosecuting core international crimes. Its mandate is to ensure perpetrators of such crimes do not attain impunity within the Member States of the EU.

Statements of Eurojust President Mr Ladislav Hamran and Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court Mr Karim A.A. Khan KC on the guidelines