Eurojust (as partner for logo image)

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27 June 2023|PRESS RELEASE
The dismantling of the encrypted communications tool EncroChat, widely used by organised crime groups (OCGs), has so far led to 6 558 arrests worldwide. 197 of those arrested were High Value Targets. This result is detailed in the first review of EncroChat, which was presented today by the French...
16 September 2022|PRESS RELEASE
Supported by Eurojust and Europol, judicial and law enforcement authorities in Austria, Belgium, Germany, France, Italy and the United States dismantled a criminal network involved in migrant smuggling, document fraud and money laundering.
07 September 2022|PRESS RELEASE
With the support of Eurojust, authorities in Finland, Germany, Belgium and Latvia have succeeded in striking a blow against the operators of various fraudulent online investment platforms that have defrauded victims from 11 different countries out of several million euros.
29 August 2022|PRESS RELEASE
Authorities in Hungary, Austria, the Czech Republic and Poland have dismantled a criminal network involved in a large-scale VAT fraud concerning tobacco smuggling. The estimated damage caused by the tax evasion to the European Union budget amounts to over EUR 8 750 000.
01 July 2022|PRESS RELEASE
Judicial and law enforcement authorities in France, Belgium, Spain, Croatia, Italy, Poland and Slovenia have carried out a coordinated action against the use of illegal drugs in cycling races. Furthermore, based on a request from French authorities, the Danish Police have carried out a search at one...
27 January 2022|PRESS RELEASE
Judicial and law enforcement authorities in Bulgaria, supported by Europol and Eurojust, have taken down a network of online investment fraudsters involved in money laundering. On the action day on 26 January, officers from the Bulgarian National Police arrested one suspect for defrauding mainly...
09 December 2021|PRESS RELEASE
The SIRIUS project, a cross-border intelligence-sharing platform co-implemented by Europol and Eurojust, in close partnership with the European Judicial Network, concluded its fourth annual conference this week. Among the more than 800 participants in the online conference were law enforcement and...
30 September 2021|PRESS RELEASE
A joint investigation team (JIT) between the Dutch and German authorities has taken down an organised crime group specialised in explosive attacks on Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs). A total of nine suspects have been taken into custody as a result of this 18-month investigation coordinated by...
30 June 2021|PRESS RELEASE
This week, law enforcement and judicial authorities in Europe, the US and Canada have seized the web domains and server infrastructure of DoubleVPN. This is a virtual private network (VPN) service which provided a safe haven for cybercriminals to attack their victims.
In a new major operation against international drug trafficking and money laundering, Eurojust and Europol have supported the competent Italian and German authorities with the arrest of 31 suspects in both countries, alleged to be part of the ‘Ndrangheta mafia, operating in different regions of...