Eurojust (as partner for logo image)

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09 November 2018|PRESS RELEASE
The SIRIUS* conference 2018 took place on 6 and 7 November at Europol's headquarters in The Hague. This two-day event, organised in collaboration with Eurojust, gathered over 200 judicial and law enforcement authorities from 40 countries, as well as representatives from Airbnb, Apple, Facebook...
05 November 2018|PRESS RELEASE
On 23 October, the national authorities of Bulgaria and Spain, supported from a coordination centre at Eurojust, arrested 13 people (four in Bulgaria and nine in Spain) and searched 17 properties. More than 30 600 pieces of cultural heritage artefacts, mostly comprising real and counterfeit coins...
24 August 2018|PRESS RELEASE
On 22 August 2018, from a coordination centre at Eurojust, in the context of an investigation of the Public Prosecution Office Munich I, searches and arrests were synchronised in Romania and Poland against an organised crime group (OCG), involved in recruiting and trafficking men and women from...
13 June 2018|PRESS RELEASE
Eurojust and Europol's European Migrant Smuggling Centre assisted the German and Danish national authorities in detecting and dismantling an organised crime group (OCG) that used sham marriages with EU citizens to grant permanent residence permits to illegal migrants from Asia.
12 March 2018|PRESS RELEASE
To cope with the ever-increasing number and complexity of cybercrime cases, enhanced international judicial cooperation is required. On 7 and 8 March 2018, participants from more than 60 countries around the world met at Eurojust to gain a better understanding of the assistance available to...