Case-law analysis

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PUBLICATION DATE:01 September 2017
This document provides an overview of the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”) regarding the ne bis in idem principle in criminal matters, and explains how this case law has helped shaping the scope and main features of the ne bis in idem principle in the EU legal order...
PUBLICATION DATE:01 September 2017
The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of cases and rulings of the Court which are related to the crime of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. Although many cases brought before the Court pertain to core international crimes, the Court rarely rules specifically on these...
The Terrorism Convictions Monitor (TCM) is intended to provide a regular overview of the terrorism-related developments throughout the EU area. Issue 28 of the TCM covers the period January – April 2017. It includes an overview of the concluded court proceedings in the reporting period, a selection...
The Terrorism Convictions Monitor (TCM) is intended to provide a regular overview of the terrorism-related developments throughout the EU area. Issue 27 of the TCM covers the period September - December 2016. It includes an overview of the concluded court proceedings in the reporting period, a...
This document provides an overview of the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”) with regard to the application of Framework Decision 2002/584/JHA of 13 June 2002 on the European Arrest Warrant and surrender procedures between Member States (“EAW FD”). The table of contents...
PUBLICATION DATE:01 January 2017
This legal analysis provides an overview of relevant French jurisprudence on illegal immigrant smuggling. The analysis highlights the main modus operandi used by criminals, the relevant applicable legislation and the main challenges related to its application. This product is based on the...
PUBLICATION DATE:09 November 2016
In this issue of the Cybercrime Judicial Monitor (CJM), three main sections are elaborated. In the first section on legislation an overview is given on the legislative developments which took place in 2016 in the area of cybercrime, cyber-related matters and electronic evidence. The judicial...
PUBLICATION DATE:24 October 2016
The Terrorism Convictions Monitor (TCM) is intended to provide a regular overview of the terrorism-related developments throughout the EU area. The Monitor has been developed on the basis of open sources information available to the Case Analysis Unit and methodologies such as individual case...
The Terrorism Convictions Monitor (TCM) is intended to provide a regular overview of the terrorism-related developments throughout the EU area. The Monitor has been developed on the basis of open sources information available to the Case Analysis Unit and methodologies such as individual case...
The challenges posed by cybercrime and cyber-enabled crimes are recognised at national and international levels. Numerous measures have been taken both by the European Union and the Council of Europe to effectively counter cyber offences. This crime area has also been included in the European Agenda...