Case-law analysis

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PUBLICATION DATE:02 December 2019
Eurojust presents this fifth issue of the Cybercrime Judicial Monitor (CJM). The CJM is published once per year and distributed to judicial and law enforcement authorities active in the field of combatting cybercrime and cyber-enabled crime. It is produced on the basis of information provided by...
PUBLICATION DATE:01 December 2018
This issue of the CJM contains four main sections. The first section covers legislative developments in the area of cybercrime, cyber-enabled crime and electronic evidence in 2018. The judicial analysis section presents legal analyses of court rulings rendered by courts in different Member States...
PUBLICATION DATE:01 October 2018
This document provides an overview of the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”) with regard to the application of Framework Decision 2002/584/JHA of 13 June 2002 on the European arrest warrant and surrender procedures between Member States (“EAW FD”). Where relevant, it...
The Terrorism Convictions Monitor (TCM) is intended to provide a regular overview of the terrorism-related developments throughout the EU area. The Monitor has been developed on the basis of open sources information available to the Case Analysis Unit and methodologies such as individual case...
The Terrorism Convictions Monitor (TCM) is intended to provide a regular overview of the terrorism-related developments throughout the EU area. The Monitor has been developed on the basis of open sources information available to the Case Analysis Unit and methodologies such as individual case...
The Terrorism Convictions Monitor (TCM) is intended to provide a regular overview of the terrorism-related developments throughout the EU area. The Monitor has been developed on the basis of open sources information available to the Case Analysis Unit and methodologies such as individual case...
PUBLICATION DATE:12 December 2017
This legal analysis provides an overview of relevant Italian case-law on illegal immigrant smuggling through the sea, highlighting the main obstacles faced by Italian prosecutors in dealing with such cases and solutions emerging therefrom. It further highlights the operational guidelines developed...
PUBLICATION DATE:01 December 2017
Eurojust presents this third issue of the Cybercrime Judicial Monitor (CJM). The CJM is published once per year and distributed to law enforcement and judicial authorities active in the field of combatting cybercrime and cyber-enabled crime. This issue of the CJM contains four main sections. The...
PUBLICATION DATE:01 October 2017
The Terrorism Convictions Monitor (TCM) is intended to provide a regular overview of the terrorism-related developments throughout the EU area. Issue 29 of the TCM covers the period of May – August 2017. It includes an overview of the concluded court proceedings in the reporting period, a selection...