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04 May 2023|LAST UPDATE:23 October 2023|AVAILABLE IN 3 LANGUAGES
This leaflet highlights Eurojust's support to justice for Ukraine through various initiatives and services. It includes support for investigations into alleged international crimes, the collection, preservation and analysis of evidence, practical guidance and training for judicial practitioners and...
This fourth report of Europol, Eurojust and the European Judicial Network (EJN) on the EU digital evidence situation includes the results of SIRIUS’ research on experiences of EU Member States’ competent authorities, as well as Online Service Providers (OSPs), with cross-border access to digital...
22 December 2022|PRESS RELEASE
Europol, Eurojust and the European Judicial Network publish today the 2022 edition of the SIRIUS European Union (EU) Digital Evidence Situation Report. This report includes the results of SIRIUS’ research on experiences of EU Member States’ competent authorities, as well as Online Service Providers...
11 November 2022|NEWS
The Coordination Pool of seconded Italian law enforcement experts at Eurojust has received a special mention at this year’s ceremony for the European Awards for Investigative and Judicial Journalism, held in Naples on 11 November. The special mention is an acknowledgment of their support to cross...
12 October 2022|PRESS RELEASE
Mr Evert van Walsum has been appointed as the new Administrative Director of Eurojust by the College of the Agency. In his new role, Mr van Walsum will be responsible for the day-to-day administration and implementation of key organisational developments such as the recent extension of Eurojust's...
21 September 2022|PRESS RELEASE
Eurojust and the Office of the Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court (ICC) have today published practical guidelines for civil society organisations on documenting core international crimes, such as war crimes and crimes against humanity. This will empower as well as support civil society...
12 September 2022|AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH
The EU Justice and Home Affairs Agencies’ Network (JHAAN) has published a joint paper on the individual and joint efforts by the nine EU Agencies active in the field of freedom, security and justice to deal with the impact of COVID-19. The joint paper was first published in 2020, and updated in 2021...
In 2022, Eurojust celebrates its 20 th anniversary. To honour this milestone, the Agency presents this commemorative collection of essays, gathering the perspectives of policymakers, academics, and judicial practitioners who work daily in the joint effort to fight serious cross-border crime. The...
The Eurojust Regulation, applicable from 12 December 2019, reinforces Eurojust's successful core concept of supporting the national authorities in their investigations and prosecutions. The National Members, serving the competent national authorities in criminal judicial cooperation matters, provide...