
5.6 United States of America

‘Why do we, as a third country, think it’s important to maintain a relationship with Eurojust? From a US perspective, there are three main reasons. First, Eurojust’s capacity for organising coordination meetings across jurisdictions, bringing the right people together to discuss cases and case strategy (with the assistance of interpretation services). Second, operational support for joint action days is top rated. Third, Eurojust leadership in programme areas, such as in the area of Battlefield Evidence.’

Rachel Yasser, Liaison Prosecutor for the United States of America, speaking at the interparliamentary committee meeting organised by the LIBE Committee of the European Parliament, 2 December 2020

The US relationship with Eurojust is long-standing and includes a cooperation agreement that has been in place since 2006. In 2020, the Liaison Prosecutor for the United States of America, Ms Rachel Yasser, participated in 38 new cases at Eurojust.

One of the major cases initiated by the United States in 2020 was Operation Sundance, leading to the shutdown of one of the biggest online piracy groups in the world in August 2020.
