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A terrorist attack, planned to take place in France on 1 July 2018, was prevented through the actions of the Belgian authorities and their partners in Germany, France and Luxembourg. Based on information from their security services, the law enforcement services arrested several suspects and...
14 June 2024|PRESS RELEASE
Judicial and law enforcement authorities across Europe and in the United States have dismantled critical online infrastructure in a large-scale operation to disrupt platforms and websites for terrorist communications and propaganda. In a concerted major action this week, servers were taken down in...
19 April 2024|PRESS RELEASE
High-level representatives and prosecutors from the United States, the European Union, international organizations, and civil society have been taking stock of the latest developments and cooperation tools for the use of battlefield evidence collected in the context of an armed conflict. During a...
The 2023 Eurojust Meeting on Counter-Terrorism focused on the amendments to the Eurojust Regulation concerning digital information exchange in terrorism cases and the European Judicial Counter-Terrorism Register , victims’ rights, including the work of Eurojust in the framework of victims’ rights...
23 November 2023|NEWS
On 22 and 23 November 2023, the Eurojust Annual Meeting on Counter-Terrorism gathered national correspondents for Eurojust for terrorism matters, specialised prosecutors from both EU Member States and third countries, as well as representatives from EU institutions and international organisations.
10 November 2023|PRESS RELEASE
Eurojust and Europol have supported the competent authorities in Belgium, Croatia, Germany, Lithuania, Romania and Italy in an international operation against right-wing terrorism. During a joint action day, five suspects were apprehended and an additional seven others were interrogated. Furthermore...
PUBLICATION DATE:31 October 2023
On 31 October 2023, an amendment of the Eurojust Regulation entered into force, enhancing Eurojust’s ability to identify links between terrorism investigations and prosecutions, to establish a modern Case Management System, to provide a secure digital communication channel between Member States and...
The 2022 European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation (Eurojust) Meeting on Counter-Terrorism focused on operational experience with cases opened on the basis of information transmitted within the framework of the European Judicial Counter-Terrorism Register (CTR), cross-border...
17 November 2022|NEWS
The annual meeting on counter-terrorism gathered national correspondents for Eurojust for terrorism matters, specialised prosecutors from both EU Member States and third countries, as well as representatives from EU institutions and international organisations.