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12 June 2024|PRESS RELEASE
A fraudulent pyramid scheme was taken down by authorities from Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Czechia, Lithuania and Liechtenstein, with the support of Eurojust and Europol. The organised crime group (OCG) used an investment model that focused on the leasing and subleasing of cryptocurrency machines...
25 April 2024|PRESS RELEASE
Eurojust and Europol have supported the competent authorities in Lithuania, France, Latvia, Poland, Switzerland and Georgia in an international operation against an organised crime group (OCG) that allegedly stole 170 books of high historical and cultural value across several European countries. The...
Increasingly, drug trafficking investigations and prosecutions in the European Union have links to non-EU countries and practitioners see the need and opportunity to collaborate with these countries at the judicial level. Based on the practical experience of Liaison Prosecutors posted to Eurojust...
20 February 2024|PRESS RELEASE
In a coordinated action supported by Eurojust and Europol, judicial and law enforcement authorities from 10 different countries have severely disrupted LockBit, the world’s most active ransomware operation. Two members of the ransomware team have been arrested in Poland and Ukraine. In addition, law...
This document analyses the process of requesting Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA) in criminal matters from Swiss authorities, particularly focusing on the gathering of electronic evidence. It provides information on the basis for cooperation, scope of assistance, requirements for MLA requests, grounds...
28 November 2023|PRESS RELEASE
Judicial and law enforcement authorities from seven different countries have joined forces in an action against a criminal network responsible for significant ransomware attacks across the world. These attacks are believed to have affected over 1,800 victims in 71 countries. The perpetrators...
07 November 2023|PRESS RELEASE
At the request of the Swiss authorities, Eurojust has coordinated several actions against an online fraud network in EU Member States, Georgia and Ukraine. This has led to searches and the freezing of bank accounts in over 20 countries.
16 June 2023|PRESS RELEASE
With the support of Eurojust and Europol, authorities in Italy, Germany and Switzerland have taken action against an organised crime group (OCG) involved in the smuggling of gold and other precious goods as well as money laundering activities. During a joint action, 10 suspects were arrested. More...
28 November 2022|PRESS RELEASE
Supported by Eurojust and Europol, judicial and law enforcement authorities in Hungary and Switzerland have dismantled a criminal network involved in trafficking in human beings for the purpose of sexual exploitation. During an action day, four suspects were arrested and four locations searched in...
18 October 2022|PRESS RELEASE
Authorities in France have formally indicted six suspects for their involvement in violent raids on jewelers’ stores in Switzerland, taking the managers and their families hostage. The indictments follow two arrests, earlier this year, of other members of the same organised crime group (OCG), which...