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14 June 2024|PRESS RELEASE
Judicial and law enforcement authorities across Europe and in the United States have dismantled critical online infrastructure in a large-scale operation to disrupt platforms and websites for terrorist communications and propaganda. In a concerted major action this week, servers were taken down in...
A large-scale ring of luxury car thieves has been dismantled with the support of Eurojust and Europol. Using straw men and underprivileged people, the criminals hired or leased luxury vehicles, which they later registered in their own names through corrupt connections in official institutions. The...
An organised crime group (OCG) active in human trafficking and sexual exploitation has been exposed, and suspected members were arrested with the support of Eurojust and Europol. The arrest of nine suspects in France and Spain has stopped the structured human trafficking network in its tracks. Six...
12 April 2024|PRESS RELEASE
Eurojust has assisted national authorities across Europe in tackling a massive fraud involving fake investments in cannabis plants for medicinal use. Two linked criminal organisations that advertised the scheme online and laundered the profits, which are estimated to be approximately EUR 645 million...
09 April 2024|PRESS RELEASE
Eurojust has supported the Greek and Serbian authorities in dismantling a drug trafficking network allegedly involved in the murder of four members of a rival gang in Greece. In total, ten suspects were arrested in Serbia, Greece and Spain for the murders, which took place in 2020. Eurojust also...
19 March 2024|PRESS RELEASE
Eurojust has supported the Swedish and Spanish authorities in the coordinated arrest of four suspects involved in the wholesale and transport of cannabis and other illicit drugs. The main suspect was allegedly organising the reception of the drugs in Sweden and their distribution in and around...
05 March 2024|PRESS RELEASE
Eurojust has supported judicial authorities in Italy, Portugal and Spain in halting an elaborate money-laundering scheme via tax fraud. In a coordinated operation, five suspects have been arrested in Italy and Spain for laundering illicit criminal proceeds by committing VAT fraud on the alleged...
06 February 2024|PRESS RELEASE
Italian and Albanian authorities have taken decisive action against a major drug trafficking network operating from both countries. With the support of Eurojust and Europol in a large-scale operation, 59 suspects were arrested on 5-6 February, including in Albania, Italy, Germany and the United...
20 October 2023|PRESS RELEASE
An international operation coordinated by France, with the support of Eurojust and Europol, has dealt an important blow to the Ragnar Locker ransomware group. In an action carried out between 16 and 20 October, searches were conducted in three different countries and in total six suspects were heard...
03 August 2023|PRESS RELEASE
Three Hungarian criminals on Europol’s European Most Wanted list have been arrested by the Hungarian and Spanish authorities in a simultaneous joint action carried out in Spain. The suspects allegedly run a cannabis plantation and processing facility in Hungary. Eurojust supported the investigation...