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28 June 2021|PRESS RELEASE
Serbia has considerably increased judicial cooperation with EU Member States in the first year since the appointment of the Serbian Liaison Prosecutor at Eurojust. The total number of newly registered cases with Serbian involvement at the Agency rose by 62.5% in 2020. Today, during the first...
Across Europe and beyond, thousands of victims were lured into investing money through fake online trading platforms. The money paid by unsuspecting investors was, in reality, redistributed to a complex money laundering network operating across Europe.
18 March 2021|PRESS RELEASE
Eurojust has coordinated a follow-up action against an organised crime group (OCG) that defrauded mainly German speaking online investors via fictitious companies operating from Bulgaria, Ukraine and other countries. By pretending to make huge profits on simulated websites, at least 350 victims were...
04 March 2021|PRESS RELEASE
The Metropolitan Court of Budapest has sentenced a contract killer to life imprisonment for committing two murders in drug-related cases in Amsterdam and Budapest in 2018, after he was arrested in Prague a year later. The role of Eurojust was instrumental in the decision on which jurisdiction to...
22 October 2020|NEWS
Judicial cooperation between Eurojust and third states in the Western Balkans is increasing rapidly, and the trend is forecast to rise further in the coming years. Already in the first nine months of this year, more cases involving the region were registered, compared to the full year 2019, as...
Eurojust and Serbia signed a Cooperation Agreement in November 2019, with the first Liaison Prosecutor Gordana Janićijević taking up her duties in March 2020. In 2023, the Serbian Liaison Prosecutor was involved in 89 new cases, 23 coordination meetings, 4 coordination centres, and 4 joint...