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26 November 2021|PRESS RELEASE
Eurojust has provided rapid support to the Romanian, German and French authorities to dismantle an organised crime group (OCG) involved in large-scale cargo thefts from lorries parked in motorway rest areas in Germany and France. During a joint action day, 34 suspects have been charged, of whom 14...
08 November 2021|PRESS RELEASE
With judicial support from Eurojust, authorities in France, Germany, Romania and Switzerland have taken action against an organised crime group (OCG) which was involved in a considerable number of ransomware attacks across Europe. During an action day, four places in Romania were searched. Two...
An organised crime group (OCG) in Romania, Austria and the United Kingdom allegedly forced its victims into prostitution, using the so-called 'loverboy' approach, where young men tempt women from deprived backgrounds to work for them. It is also alleged that the suspects subjected the victims to...
In 2019, a major operation led by the Italian desk at Eurojust against an OCG involved in large scale pay-TV piracy and fraud, resulted in over 200 servers being taken down. Investigations into the activities of this criminal network, which involved illegal online streaming through cheap settop...
The National Desks at Eurojust opened linked cases to provide operational and legal assistance, including the creation and funding of a JIT between the Belgian and Dutch authorities, with the involvement of Eurojust and Europol. During a joint action day supported by a coordination centre at...
An organised crime group (OCG) in Romania and Finland allegedly ran a network for the sexual exploitation of around ten women. The suspects recruited their young female victims from poorer rural areas of Romania for sexual exploitation in Finland, often under false pretences. November 2020 – Thanks...
06 October 2021|PRESS RELEASE
Eurojust has assisted the Romanian and German authorities in dismantling an organised crime group (OCG), which was involved in migrant smuggling from Serbia through Romania. During an action day in Romania, 27 suspects were identified and 19 places were searched. Investigations into the case are...
28 September 2021|PRESS RELEASE
Eurojust has provided support to authorities in Romania and the United Kingdom to organise and conduct a joint action day, during which close to 55 Romanian victims of labour exploitation were brought to safety. The victims, including several underaged young men, were forced to live in extremely...
11 August 2021|PRESS RELEASE
An online scam involving the sale of protective materials against COVID-19, such as facemasks, has been halted with the support of Eurojust. During a joint action day conducted on 10 August, 34 searches took place across Romania, Ireland and the Netherlands. In total, 23 suspects were charged, of...
08 July 2021|PRESS RELEASE
Eurojust has coordinated a follow-up action against a Romanian criminal network involved in extensive online fraud against users of popular consumer sites such as Amazon and eBay. During an action day, the Romanian and Greek authorities arrested eight members of an organised crime group (OCG). The...