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A coordinated operation to uncover an intricate cryptocurrency scam led to the arrest of a suspect in France. The investigations in Portugal, France, Germany, Italy and Romania, supported by Eurojust and Europol, revealed that the suspects were using a scam method known as ‘rip deals’ that caused...
12 April 2024|PRESS RELEASE
Eurojust has assisted national authorities across Europe in tackling a massive fraud involving fake investments in cannabis plants for medicinal use. Two linked criminal organisations that advertised the scheme online and laundered the profits, which are estimated to be approximately EUR 645 million...
12 April 2024|PRESS RELEASE
Supported by Eurojust and Europol, judicial and law enforcement authorities in Portugal and Romania have dismantled an organised crime group involved in human trafficking, qualified fraud and money laundering. The suspects allegedly transported Romanian citizens, mostly minors and women, to Portugal...
05 March 2024|PRESS RELEASE
Eurojust has supported judicial authorities in Italy, Portugal and Spain in halting an elaborate money-laundering scheme via tax fraud. In a coordinated operation, five suspects have been arrested in Italy and Spain for laundering illicit criminal proceeds by committing VAT fraud on the alleged...
01 February 2024|PRESS RELEASE
Judicial and law enforcement authorities in Cyprus, Portugal and Latvia have dismantled a criminal network suspected of organising 133 sham marriages in Cyprus to facilitate illegal immigration into the European Union. During a joint action day carried out on 29 January, 15 suspects were arrested...
04 December 2023|PRESS RELEASE
Mr José Luis Ferreira Trindade has been appointed Eurojust National Member for Portugal as of 8 November 2023. He replaces Mr António Cluny who has been the National Member since 2014. Mr Ferreira Trindade has been serving as Deputy National Member for Portugal since September 2020. Prior to that...
07 November 2023|PRESS RELEASE
At the request of the Swiss authorities, Eurojust has coordinated several actions against an online fraud network in EU Member States, Georgia and Ukraine. This has led to searches and the freezing of bank accounts in over 20 countries.
During an action day executed by 10 countries, 132 members of one of the world’s most powerful criminal networks have been taken into custody. In the early hours of 3 May, law enforcement authorities in Belgium, Germany, Italy, France, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Romania, Brazil and Panama raided...
This Quick Reference Guide is the result of the experience and knowledge acquired by members of the Portuguese National Desk at Eurojust in responding to the most frequent legal and practical questions sent to Eurojust. The function of this Guide is to assist, in a simple and quick way, Portuguese...
24 June 2022|PRESS RELEASE
Supported by Eurojust and Europol, judicial and law enforcement authorities in France, Spain and Portugal have dismantled a criminal network involved in sexual exploitation and human trafficking. During an action day, ten suspects were arrested and twelve locations searched in the three countries...