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07 June 2024|PRESS RELEASE
33 searches were conducted and four people were detained in Moldova following a joint action by authorities in France and Moldova after investigations have uncovered a multi-million euro bribery scheme to help fugitives evade international justice. On 5 June a high-level official was arrested in...
A migrant smuggling operation has been dismantled by Romanian and Moldovan authorities, with the support of Eurojust. From 2019 until now, an organised crime group (OCG) smuggled over 100 migrants to the Schengen Area, demanding up to EUR 5 000 for the transport. On 27 May, authorities searched 11...
Increasingly, drug trafficking investigations and prosecutions in the European Union have links to non-EU countries and practitioners see the need and opportunity to collaborate with these countries at the judicial level. Based on the practical experience of Liaison Prosecutors posted to Eurojust...
08 September 2023|NEWS
Eurojust welcomes two new Liaison Prosecutors who recently took up duties at the Agency. For the first time, the Republic of Moldova has stationed a prosecutor at Eurojust’s headquarters in The Hague, with the aim of strengthening cooperation with the Moldovan authorities on cases of serious cross...
Moldova outline
Eurojust and the Republic of Moldova signed a Cooperation Agreement in July 2014. It entered into force in October 2016, with the first Liaison Prosecutor Mihail Ivanov taking up his duties in September 2023. In 2023, the Moldovan Desk was involved in 23 new cases, 11 coordination meetings, and 13...
30 March 2023|PRESS RELEASE
With the support of Eurojust and Europol, the Romanian and Moldovan authorities have taken action against an organised crime group (OCG) suspected of trafficking high-risk doping substances. During a joint action, 11 suspects were arrested, and raw materials intended for the production of more than...
02 March 2023|PRESS RELEASE
Eurojust has assisted the Romanian and Moldovan authorities with dismantling a cryptocurrency scam that has resulted in at least 32 victims, who allegedly lost approximately EUR 320 000. During a joint action day, a total of 21 perpetrators from both countries were identified and charged with...
19 January 2023|PRESS RELEASE
Supported by Eurojust, judicial and law enforcement authorities in Romania and the Republic of Moldova have taken coordinated action against border officials who allegedly demanded and accepted bribery to facilitate the illegal passage of vehicles transporting passengers or parcels.