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Ms Eszter Mária Köpf has been appointed as the new National Member for Hungary at Eurojust. Ms Köpf succeeds Mr László Venczl, who had served in the role since 2012 and has now retired. The new National Member for Hungary has long-standing experience in international cross-border judicial...
01 March 2024|PRESS RELEASE
With the support of Eurojust and Europol, authorities in Belgium and Hungary have taken action against an organised crime group involved in the trafficking of women for sexual exploitation. During a joint action, eight suspects were arrested in both countries. Several victims have been identified...
07 November 2023|PRESS RELEASE
At the request of the Swiss authorities, Eurojust has coordinated several actions against an online fraud network in EU Member States, Georgia and Ukraine. This has led to searches and the freezing of bank accounts in over 20 countries.
03 August 2023|PRESS RELEASE
Three Hungarian criminals on Europol’s European Most Wanted list have been arrested by the Hungarian and Spanish authorities in a simultaneous joint action carried out in Spain. The suspects allegedly run a cannabis plantation and processing facility in Hungary. Eurojust supported the investigation...
25 January 2023|PRESS RELEASE
With the help of Eurojust, the Italian and Hungarian judicial and law enforcement authorities have carried out an operation against the ‘Ndrangheta criminal organisation. During a joint action day, eight persons were arrested. They are suspected of mafia-type criminal association, international...
28 November 2022|PRESS RELEASE
Supported by Eurojust and Europol, judicial and law enforcement authorities in Hungary and Switzerland have dismantled a criminal network involved in trafficking in human beings for the purpose of sexual exploitation. During an action day, four suspects were arrested and four locations searched in...
25 November 2022|PRESS RELEASE
An unprecedented international operation, involving judicial and law enforcement authorities from 11 countries, has resulted in the arrest of 44 individuals. The arrested individuals were suspected of belonging to a high-risk criminal network considered one of the most dangerous in the European...
29 August 2022|PRESS RELEASE
Authorities in Hungary, Austria, the Czech Republic and Poland have dismantled a criminal network involved in a large-scale VAT fraud concerning tobacco smuggling. The estimated damage caused by the tax evasion to the European Union budget amounts to over EUR 8 750 000.
08 July 2022|PRESS RELEASE
Eurojust has assisted authorities in the Czech Republic, Belgium, Poland, Germany and Hungary in dismantling an organised crime group (OCG) that was involved in migrant smuggling. During an action, nine suspects were arrested and nine locations were searched. Eurojust provided financial support and...
22 June 2022|PRESS RELEASE
Supported by Eurojust, authorities in Lithuania, Hungary, Slovakia and Latvia have undertaken a successful operation against large-scale VAT fraud involving the sale of used cars from the United States. The managers of five companies who allegedly acted together may have avoided paying at least EUR...