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05 June 2023|PRESS RELEASE
Eurojust and Europol have supported the competent authorities in Italy, Belgium and Germany in a new operation against international drug trafficking allegedly carried out by the ‘Ndrangheta criminal organisation. During a joint action day, thirty-one suspects were arrested and assets worth over EUR...
Supported by Eurojust and Europol, judicial and law enforcement authorities in Lithuania, Estonia, France and Germany have dismantled a Lithuanian organised crime group (OCG) that allegedly put millions of expired food products with altered labelling in the market. They are also suspected of large...
iSpoof, a website that allowed criminals to impersonate trusted corporations, was taken down in November 2022 in an international joint action that led to 142 arrests. The main administrator of the website has now been sentenced to 13 years and 4 months of imprisonment by Southwark Crown Court in...
During an action day executed by 10 countries, 132 members of one of the world’s most powerful criminal networks have been taken into custody. In the early hours of 3 May, law enforcement authorities in Belgium, Germany, Italy, France, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Romania, Brazil and Panama raided...
26 April 2023|PRESS RELEASE
Judicial and law enforcement authorities in Germany, Estonia and Latvia have carried out a coordinated action against an organised crime group suspected of defrauding thousands of German companies. During a joint action day in all 3 countries, 3 suspects were arrested and 17 places searched...
13 April 2023|PRESS RELEASE
Eurojust and Europol have supported a new coordinated action against a fraudulent online investment platform, which has so far cost at least 33 000 victims an estimated EUR 89 million. At the request of the German authorities, two action days took place in March, during which five suspects were...
05 April 2023|PRESS RELEASE
Genesis Market has been taken down in an operation involving judicial and law enforcement authorities in the United States, nine European Union countries, Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom. Genesis Market was a criminal marketplace accessible on the dark web and clear web that sold packages...
16 February 2023|PRESS RELEASE
Supported by Eurojust and Europol, judicial and law enforcement authorities in Italy and Germany have dismantled an organised crime group (OCG) suspected of illicit waste trafficking, false invoicing and money laundering in several European countries. Eurojust coordinated the joint action that led...
08 February 2023|PRESS RELEASE
With the support of Eurojust and Europol, the Belgian, Polish, German and Spanish authorities have taken action against an organised crime group (OCG) involved in the trafficking of Chinese women for sexual exploitation in Belgium and other European countries. During a joint action, 28 suspects were...
06 February 2023|PRESS RELEASE
Judicial and law enforcement authorities in the Netherlands and Germany have dealt another blow to the use of encrypted communications by criminal networks. Eurojust and Europol have supported the dismantling of the Exclu application, which had an estimated 3 000 users, including members of...