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08 November 2021|PRESS RELEASE
With judicial support from Eurojust, authorities in France, Germany, Romania and Switzerland have taken action against an organised crime group (OCG) which was involved in a considerable number of ransomware attacks across Europe. During an action day, four places in Romania were searched. Two...
29 October 2021|PRESS RELEASE
A total of 12 individuals wreaking havoc across the world with ransomware attacks against critical infrastructure have been targeted as the result of a law enforcement and judicial operation involving eight countries. These attacks are believed to have affected over 1 800 victims in 71 countries...
Working within a JIT significantly facilitated cross-border police and judicial cooperation but could not fully overcome certain legal and operational challenges: difficulties with gathering evidence to meet national legal criteria of an OCG, to be able to prosecute for organised crime; absence of a...
During a coordinated action day in the Netherlands and Belgium, the activities of the suspected Dutch company were shut down by the Dutch authorities because of serious health and safety risks. The assets of the main suspect and of the suspect’s company were seized. The action day was a joint effort...
The National Desks at Eurojust opened linked cases to provide operational and legal assistance, including the creation and funding of a JIT between the Belgian and Dutch authorities, with the involvement of Eurojust and Europol. During a joint action day supported by a coordination centre at...
An organised crime group (OCG) coordinated from a base in Lithuania had been operating in Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium. The thieves cracked the locks of high-end, luxury keyless cars using radio wave extenders and then transported them in trucks through the Czech Republic and Poland to...
26 October 2021|PRESS RELEASE
Police forces across the world have arrested 150 alleged suspects involved in buying or selling illicit goods on the dark web as part of a coordinated international operation involving nine countries. More than EUR 26.7 million (USD 31 million) in cash and virtual currencies have been seized in this...
This report of the JHA agencies’ network aims to make Member States more aware of the agencies’ potential in helping the early identification and protection of victims and to encourage Member States to work closer with the agencies in this area. The report responds to one of the key actions of the...
18 October 2021|PRESS RELEASE
The European Union agencies active in the field of justice and home affairs have presented the first full overview of actions to help victims of trafficking in human beings. The main operational activities are listed in a joint report of the Justice and Home Affairs agencies' network (JHAAN)...
11 October 2021|PRESS RELEASE
With support from Eurojust and Europol, authorities in Germany, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Netherlands and Ukraine have taken down a major fraudulent online German investment platform which defrauded victims for at least EUR 15 million. The main suspect ran a professional-looking trading site in so...