European Parliament

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08 September 2022|NEWS
A delegation of 12 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) visited Eurojust today to learn about the Agency’s role in tackling environmental crime, and to discuss what the European Commission’s proposal for a new Environmental Crime Directive means for the Agency.
In 2022, Eurojust celebrates its 20 th anniversary. To honour this milestone, the Agency presents this commemorative collection of essays, gathering the perspectives of policymakers, academics, and judicial practitioners who work daily in the joint effort to fight serious cross-border crime. The...
Aiming to improve cross-border access to electronic evidence for the purpose of criminal investigations and proceedings, the European Commission made a proposal for a Regulation on European Production and Preservation Orders for electronic evidence in criminal matters and a Directive laying down...
01 December 2020|NEWS
In a virtual meeting today, Eurojust presented an overview of its activities for evaluation by the Interparliamentary Committee. Eurojust President Mr Ladislav Hamran, Vice-President Mr Klaus Meyer-Cabri and the Liaison Prosecutor for the United States of America, Ms Rachel Miller Yasser, explained...
As an agency of the European Union, Eurojust is financed by the EU budget and its activities are subject to the scrutiny of the European Parliament. Further, the European Commission is represented in Eurojust’s governance structure. As a centre of expertise in cross-border judicial cooperation...
The European Parliament and national parliaments of the Member States play an important role in ensuring the transparency and democratic oversight of Eurojust, primarily through the joint evaluation of Eurojust’s activities. The President of Eurojust appears once a year before an inter-parliamentary...