European Investigation Order

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29 August 2022|PRESS RELEASE
Authorities in Hungary, Austria, the Czech Republic and Poland have dismantled a criminal network involved in a large-scale VAT fraud concerning tobacco smuggling. The estimated damage caused by the tax evasion to the European Union budget amounts to over EUR 8 750 000.
19 July 2022|PRESS RELEASE
A historic 17th century painting by the Italian baroque painter Artemisia Gentileschi has been returned to Italy, with the active support of Eurojust. Two suspects are being investigated for fraud and attempts to illegally sell the painting of the legend of Roman Charity in Austria. They obtained an...
01 July 2022|PRESS RELEASE
Judicial and law enforcement authorities in France, Belgium, Spain, Croatia, Italy, Poland and Slovenia have carried out a coordinated action against the use of illegal drugs in cycling races. Furthermore, based on a request from French authorities, the Danish Police have carried out a search at one...
Authorities in Italy, Spain and the Netherlands yesterday conducted an operation against a major drug trafficking network, which allegedly used the art trade in the Netherlands to launder the profits of its illegal business. Eurojust coordinated and supported the action, which led to the arrest of...
21 April 2022|PRESS RELEASE
Eurojust has supported the Romanian and Dutch authorities in an action against sexual exploitation of young female victims in the Netherlands and other European countries. During an action day, five suspects were identified by the Romanian authorities for involvement in an organised crime group (OCG...
13 April 2022|PRESS RELEASE
Italian and Austrian authorities have dismantled a massive fraud scheme set up by a criminal network that used Italian companies to simulate business leases and false tax credits. The perpetrators deprived the Italian authorities of at least EUR 440 million. With the help of Eurojust, approximately...
Despite the fast growth of the amount of electronic data stored by Service Providers (SPs) and the increased demand for cross-border access to such data in criminal investigations and proceedings, judicial cooperation procedures have not adapted to this reality and are often still heavily paper...
An organised crime group (OCG) coordinated from a base in Lithuania had been operating in Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium. The thieves cracked the locks of high-end, luxury keyless cars using radio wave extenders and then transported them in trucks through the Czech Republic and Poland to...
08 October 2021|PRESS RELEASE
Eurojust has supported the Slovak, Czech and Dutch authorities in halting a criminal network, which traded in illegally converted firearms. During several actions last month, six suspects were arrested in the three countries concerned and approximately 350 arms were seized. Eurojust assisted the...
08 July 2021|PRESS RELEASE
Eurojust has supported the Italian authorities to stop an elaborate fraud scheme involving the import of new and used cars from Germany. In total, 60 suspects have been identified, who defrauded the Italian tax authorities of at least EUR 6.3 million in avoided VAT levies. Furthermore, over 200...