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02 July 2021|NEWS
To highlight the main obstacles encountered in judicial investigations into the use of encrypted communications by criminal networks, Eurojust presents casework experiences and a summary of recent legislative developments in EU Member States in this field. The third joint report of the Observatory...
17 June 2021|NEWS
Judicial experts and practitioners in the field of cybercrime will focus on new trends in their domain and how to tailor investigations, during the 10th Plenary Meeting of the European Judicial Cybercrime Network (EJCN), which takes place today and tomorrow. The EJCN Plenary, hosted by Eurojust in...
22 March 2021|PAGE
Addressing the challenges of encryption While encryption is essential to ensure cybersecurity and the protection of personal data, it is also used by criminals to avoid detection. A recent example is EncroChat, an encrypted phone network widely used by criminal networks to exchange millions of...
12 February 2021|PRESS RELEASE
With more than 1 200 new registered members last year, the release of the EU Digital Evidence Situation Report 2020 and a growing hub of information and resources for EU authorities, the SIRIUS project hosted yesterday its annual Advisory Board meeting to present its 2020 main achievements. This...
Technological breakthroughs over the past few years have brought many positive developments for society. Cybercriminals exploit the speed and anonymity of the Internet to commit a range of criminal acts, from large-scale cyber-attacks to activities such as using malware, phishing and spam, or the...