Economic crimes

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Economic crimes cover a wide range of offences, including swindling and fraud, money laundering, corruption, intellectual property crime and environmental crime. Criminal investigations primarily tackling some other form of crime, such as drug trafficking, terrorist activities or trafficking in...
22 June 2022|PRESS RELEASE
Supported by Eurojust, authorities in Lithuania, Hungary, Slovakia and Latvia have undertaken a successful operation against large-scale VAT fraud involving the sale of used cars from the United States. The managers of five companies who allegedly acted together may have avoided paying at least EUR...
Eurojust has supported the Italian and Bulgarian authorities to counter an elaborate tax scam of at least EUR 69 million. During an action day, 26 suspects were identified who had illegally changed or 'cloned' Italian into Bulgarian enterprises, to avoid paying tax. A hotel and other properties, as...
05 May 2022|NEWS
More than 500 corruption cases have been registered at Eurojust during the past six years. Compared with the 78 cases registered at the Agency in 2016, the number of cases rose to 112 in 2021, despite the COVID-19 pandemic. This increase reflects the EU's priority to crack down on corruption and...
Eurojust Casework on Corruption: 2016–2021 Insights presents key findings based on Eurojust's corruption casework and expertise built up over the years. It is the Agency's first dedicated publication in the corruption field. The report aims to support national authorities dealing with cross-border...
11 April 2022|NEWS
As a part of the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the French Embassy in the Netherlands organised a seminar on some of the current internal security challenges of the European Union and the cross-border judicial cooperation that needs to be developed in response. More than 60...
27 January 2022|PRESS RELEASE
Judicial and law enforcement authorities in Bulgaria, supported by Europol and Eurojust, have taken down a network of online investment fraudsters involved in money laundering. On the action day on 26 January, officers from the Bulgarian National Police arrested one suspect for defrauding mainly...
11 October 2021|PRESS RELEASE
With support from Eurojust and Europol, authorities in Germany, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Netherlands and Ukraine have taken down a major fraudulent online German investment platform which defrauded victims for at least EUR 15 million. The main suspect ran a professional-looking trading site in so...
04 June 2021|PRESS RELEASE
The Belgian court of Antwerp has today sentenced three suspects in the so-called fipronil egg contamination case to prison sentences ranging from one year effective to 18 months suspended for endangering public health. The court awarded millions of EUR in of damages to the civil parties as well. In...