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18 October 2021|PRESS RELEASE
The European Union agencies active in the field of justice and home affairs have presented the first full overview of actions to help victims of trafficking in human beings. The main operational activities are listed in a joint report of the Justice and Home Affairs agencies' network (JHAAN)...
12 February 2021|PRESS RELEASE
With more than 1 200 new registered members last year, the release of the EU Digital Evidence Situation Report 2020 and a growing hub of information and resources for EU authorities, the SIRIUS project hosted yesterday its annual Advisory Board meeting to present its 2020 main achievements. This...
30 September 2020|PAGE
The Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) agencies’ network has an important role to play in Europe. Its work helps ensure that the EU is well equipped to deal with security, justice, fundamental rights and gender equality. The agencies work on a wide range of important areas, including migration and...
As an agency of the European Union, Eurojust is financed by the EU budget and its activities are subject to the scrutiny of the European Parliament. Further, the European Commission is represented in Eurojust’s governance structure. As a centre of expertise in cross-border judicial cooperation...
The European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL), headquartered in Budapest, contributes to law enforcement cooperation in the Member States by: offering law enforcement professionals opportunities to grow personally and professionally through training; learning to solve issues related...
06 January 2020|NEWS
Eurojust will this year host the network of the nine EU agencies which operate in the field of Justice and Home Affairs, dealing with security, justice, fundamental rights and gender equality. The central theme of the Eurojust presidency of the Justice and Home Affairs Agencies (JHAA) Network will...
12 November 2019|NEWS
The nine EU Justice and Home Affairs Agencies are marking the 10-year anniversary of the EU's Charter of Fundamental Rights by pledging to continue to respect, promote and protect fundamental rights throughout their work, including ensuring that their work always complies with the Charter.