Battlefield evidence

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19 April 2024|PRESS RELEASE
High-level representatives and prosecutors from the United States, the European Union, international organizations, and civil society have been taking stock of the latest developments and cooperation tools for the use of battlefield evidence collected in the context of an armed conflict. During a...
Using observations collected by the Genocide Network Secretariat from Genocide Network Member and Observer States, this report engages in a stocktaking exercise. Looking back at recommendations listed in the 2014 Strategy of the Genocide Network to combat impunity for genocide, crimes against...
Eurojust’s 2021 meeting on counter-terrorism tackled topics ranging from addressing the dissemination of terrorist content online, left-wing and right-wing extremism and terrorism, the threat posed by prison leavers, and the use of battlefield evidence. The meeting brought together Eurojust national...
21 September 2020|AVAILABLE IN 24 LANGUAGES
The 2020 Eurojust Memorandum on Battlefield Evidence reports on the present possibilities and experiences of using battlefield evidence in criminal proceedings in the EU Member States and non-EU countries. This report was produced following a recommendation from the EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator...
15 September 2020|PRESS RELEASE
Battlefield evidence, such as photos depicting crimes committed against civilians, fingerprints on explosive devices and e-mails describing terrorist plots, is increasingly being used to prosecute suspects of terrorism and core international crimes, including returning Foreign Terrorist Fighters...
Terrorism represents a major threat to the safety of Europe’s citizens. Recent years have brought a rise in the frequency and scale of terrorist incidents within the European Union. The growing complexity for judicial authorities dealing with terrorism is reflected in a steady number of new...