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Increasingly, drug trafficking investigations and prosecutions in the European Union have links to non-EU countries and practitioners see the need and opportunity to collaborate with these countries at the judicial level. Based on the practical experience of Liaison Prosecutors posted to Eurojust...
This leaflet describes the Western Balkans Criminal Justice project dedicated to enhancing cross-border judicial cooperation in the Western Balkans, implemented by Eurojust and funded by the European Union Instrument of Pre-accession Assistance (IPA III). The leaflet outlines the project’s aims and...
06 February 2024|PRESS RELEASE
Italian and Albanian authorities have taken decisive action against a major drug trafficking network operating from both countries. With the support of Eurojust and Europol in a large-scale operation, 59 suspects were arrested on 5-6 February, including in Albania, Italy, Germany and the United...
26 January 2023|PRESS RELEASE
Eurojust and Europol have supported judicial and law enforcement authorities in Italy and Albania in dismantling a network of drug traffickers. During a joint action day, which saw the involvement of some 350 officers in the field, 30 suspects were arrested and 31 locations were searched. Five...
19 December 2022|PRESS RELEASE
With the support of Eurojust, authorities in Italy and Albania have dismantled an online investment fraud involving the use of cryptocurrencies. During an action, EUR 3 million worth of assets were seized. Eurojust supported the judicial cooperation and assisted the authorities in setting up and...
10 November 2022|PRESS RELEASE
At the request of the Spanish, German and Finnish authorities, Eurojust and Europol have supported an action against a massive investment fraud involving the use of cryptocurrencies. The victims of this major online fraud are estimated to be in the hundreds of thousands. During operations on 8 and 9...
See the updated version of this leaflet here ! This leaflet describes the Western Balkans Criminal Justice project dedicated to enhancing cross-border judicial cooperation in the Western Balkans, implemented by Eurojust and funded by the European Union Instrument of Pre-accession Assistance (IPA III...
10 June 2022|PRESS RELEASE
Supported by Eurojust, judicial and law enforcement authorities in Italy and Albania have dismantled a criminal network suspected of committing fraud against the Italian national health system, as well as corruption and drug trafficking. During an action day, nine suspects were arrested. More than...
31 March 2022|PRESS RELEASE
With support from Eurojust, authorities in Albania and Germany have taken down a fraudulent online investment platform that defrauded victims, including many Germans, of at least several million euros. During a recent action day, 15 suspects were arrested and eight places were searched in Tirana...
19 January 2022|PRESS RELEASE
Judicial and law enforcement authorities in Italy, Greece and Albania have taken a coordinated action against a network of people smugglers, which transferred at least 1 100 migrants irregularly to the European Union. During an action day with the support of Eurojust, Europol and Frontex, 29...