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26 June 2024|NEWS
Eurojust hosted the second meeting of high-level experts on money laundering and asset recovery on 20 and 21 June. The meeting builds on the recommendations of the first ever Eurojust meeting on money laundering and asset recovery organised by Eurojust last year and brought together experts to...
27 October 2023|PRESS RELEASE
Eurojust has supported the authorities in Sweden, Serbia and Montenegro in the arrest of a Swedish national suspected of being part of an organised crime group (OCG) involved in drug trafficking. After his arrest in Serbia, a procedure was initiated for his extradition to Sweden. During a joint...
03 December 2020|PRESS RELEASE
In an international operation coordinated by Eurojust and led by Swiss authorities, investigators in Switzerland, Germany, the Netherlands and Spain have disrupted a Nigerian organised crime group (OCG) involved in drug trafficking . More than 200 suspects were arrested and 115 kg of cocaine were...