Quotes by Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin on each country’s/partner contribution to the ICPA


The traces and witnesses of war crimes committed in Ukraine are not located in Ukraine only but travel all over the world and many have also reached Estonia. Estonia knows through direct experience how Russia attempts to endanger and damage other states, and possesses invaluable background knowledge about Russia. Estonia has been sharing these experiences and all evidence about the war crimes collected in Estonia through the joint investigation team and the member states of the ICPA, supported by Eurojust. This has made Estonia an important partner in investigating war crimes for all states. Estonians know that every thorn counts, which is why Estonia’s message of condemning Russian aggression is loud and clear.

Andriy Kostin, Prosecutor General of Ukraine


Representatives of the Polish Prosecutor's Office have been actively participating in the work of the ICPA since its inception. During the monthly sessions held at Eurojust's headquarters in The Hague, Polish prosecutors, along with investigators from other countries, have been developing a joint prosecutorial strategy to prosecute the crime of aggression committed by the Russian Federation against Ukraine. Polish prosecutors, in collaboration with recognized academic institutions, are contributing to analyzing the factual and legal actions of the Russian Federation, including the responsibility of identified individuals from the Russian government for committing the crime of aggression.

Andriy Kostin, Prosecutor General of Ukraine


I appreciate the effort and involvement of the Romanian prosecutors who initiated ex officio the investigation of crimes against humanity in connection with the attack of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. Romania is an important partner for us, which is also demonstrated by the valuable contributions submitted through the Core International Crimes Evidence Database (CICED), consisting of evidence brought in the investigation opened in this country.

Andriy Kostin, Prosecutor General of Ukraine


'The work that has been done through the common effort of the law enforcement agencies of Latvia and other countries in the ICPA makes a substantial contribution to our joint pledge to investigate the crime against peace. The representatives of Latvian law enforcement agencies: a prosecutor of the Prosecutor General's Office and an investigator of the State Security Service, have been continuously collaborating with their peers in the ICPA on gathering the evidence of the crime of aggression committed by the Russian Federation in Ukraine.

Those accountable for this crime shall not be subject to any statute of limitations. We have to join our forces to ensure that the individuals who are behind Russia’s criminal conduct incur due liability regardless how long justice may take.'

Andriy Kostin, Prosecutor General of Ukraine


'The Lithuanian Prosecutor’s Office was one of the first to start a pre-trial investigation into the war crimes in Ukraine and immediately became active in order to involve as many states as possible in the investigation of these crimes. As a result, there is a Joint Investigation Team (JIT) operating three years now, as well as the ICPA, both supported by Eurojust.

Our Lithuanian colleagues regularly provide us with data that is particularly valuable for investigations in Ukraine. This year Lithuania has announced the first three suspicions of war crimes resulting from our cooperation under the JIT. I am profoundly grateful to Lithuanian Prosecutor General Nida Grunskene and her team for their invaluable contribution to the development of a comprehensive architecture of justice and accountability for all international crimes committed by Russia.

Andriy Kostin, Prosecutor General of Ukraine


I am grateful for the United States’s critical contributions to the ICPA through Attorney General Garland’s appointment of a Special Prosecutor for the Crime of Aggression and the State Department’s pledge of financial assistance. The United States has relentlessly advanced the ICPA’s mission in holding accountable those responsible for Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. The United States’s strong commitment to continuing to pursue accountability for Ukraine is deeply appreciated.

Andriy Kostin, Prosecutor General of Ukraine


I welcome the continuing participation of the Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) of the International Criminal Court in the ICPA. The Office’s extensive expertise in the investigation of international crimes is invaluable for our collective efforts.

Andriy Kostin, Prosecutor General of Ukraine