Terrorism Convictions Monitor 22

22 June 2015|PUBLICATION
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The Terrorism Convictions Monitor (TCM) is intended to provide a regular overview of the terrorism-related developments throughout the EU area. The Monitor has been developed on the basis of open sources information available to the Case Analysis Unit and methodologies such as individual case studies and comparative analysis. There is a link provided to each of the respective articles found on the Internet. In addition, the current TCM includes information exclusively provided to Eurojust by the national authorities of several Member States by virtue of Council Decision 2005/671/JHA with no links to open sources.

Issue 22 of the TCM covers the period January - April 2015. It includes an overview of the concluded court proceedings in the reporting period, a selection of upcoming and ongoing trials as well as an update on relevant legal developments. The analytica! part of the report contains an analysis of two judgments against Europeans who fought in the ranks of terrorist groups in Syria. The report presents also some highlights of the European Agenda on Security presented recently in a communication from the Commission.




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