Seminar on “The European Arrest Warrant: Which way forward?” and 7th meeting of the Consultative Forum - Report and conclusions

11 June 2014|PUBLICATION
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The Strategic Seminar “The European Arrest Warrant: Which way forward?”, organised by Eurojust in cooperation with the Hellenic Presidency of the EU, took place on 10 June 2014 in combination with the 7th meeting of the Consultative Forum of Prosecutors General and Directors of Public Prosecutions of the Member States of the European Union (Consultative Forum or Forum) that was convened on 11 June 2014 by the Prosecutor General of Greece with the support of Eurojust. Participants from all Member States, EU institutions and Eurojust attended the combined event.

The goal of the Seminar was to encourage judicial practitioners to exchange views on problems and best practices associated with the operation of the European Arrest Warrant (EAW), also taking into account Eurojust’s role in facilitating the swift implementation and smooth operation of the EAW. On this basis, legal and practical solutions leading to improvements in the implementation of the EAW were identified, in particular in the four workshops devoted to specific topics.

The conclusions of the four workshops on the EAW were presented during the Consultative Forum meeting on 11 June and served as the basis for further discussion by the Forum members. The Forum also discussed and reached conclusions on the fight against corruption and was presented with an update on relevant EU legislative developments regarding Article 10 of Protocol 36 to the Treaties, the draft Eurojust and European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) Regulations and the draft Directive on the fight against fraud to the Union's financial interests (PIF Directive).




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