Report on the Operation of the European Judicial Network 2011-2012

01 January 2013|PUBLICATION
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(...) Throughout 2011 and 2012, the EJN has continued its growth in efficiency rather than in numbers. As in the previous reporting period, almost 400 contact points are in place across the EU and in the Candidate and Associated States. The reports from the EJN contact points reconfirm their active role as intermediaries and as facilitators of judicial cooperation. The number of requests sent between the contact points has increased compared to the previous reporting period by approximately 1 300 requests, from fewer than 14 000 requests to a little over 15 000 requests. These numbers are most likely not only due to increased efficiency but also due to raised awareness and wider recognition of the added value of the EJN among judicial practitioners. Their contribution to the development of the judicial area is greater than ever. (...)

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