Outcome Report of the Eurojust Strategic Seminar on Drug Trafficking

06 October 2011|PUBLICATION
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The strategic seminar on drug trafficking, jointly organised by Eurojust with the Polish Presidency of the European Union, took place on 5 – 6 October 2011 in Krakow, Poland, at the School of Magistrates. The seminar was organised in the framework of the strategic project on “Enhancing the work of Eurojust in drug trafficking cases” (hereinafter “the Eurojust project”) initiated in February 2011 by Eurojust’s Trafficking and Related Crimes Team.

The goal of the seminar was to identify possible solutions for increasing the effectiveness of judicial cooperation, with support from Eurojust, in the fight against illicit trafficking of drugs. The seminar combined practical presentations with in-depth discussions in five workshops. A total of 103 participants attended the strategic seminar, including experts on drug trafficking from the national authorities of the Member States and of third States, as well as representatives from the Council of the European Union, the European Commission, Eurojust, Europol and the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction.




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