Multi-Annual Strategy 2019-2021

07 August 2017|PUBLICATION
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Eurojust successfully supports the Member States in the fight against serious cross-border crime. Its operational experience gained over its 15 years of existence on the facilitation of mutual legal assistance, the use of mutual recognition instruments and the coordination of criminal cases has been of significant added value to the national authorities of the Member States.

During this period, Eurojust has made significant progress and has developed its operational capabilities to effectively respond to the increasing demands of the Member States. Eurojust has progressively implemented organisational changes to gain efficiencies and reallocate capacity to casework.

Eurojust has also been actively contributing to the improvement of the European Union in judicial cooperation. Under the current threat landscape, Eurojust has reinforced its operational support to Member States in the fight against terrorism, illegal immigrant smuggling, cybercrime and other cross-border crime and has proactively developed products to enhance judicial cooperation based on its expertise.

Eurojust is entering a crucial phase in its development, taking into account the imminent adoption of a Regulation on Eurojust and the establishment of a European Public Prosecutor’s Office. The Multi-Annual Strategy 2019 - 2021 supports the development of Eurojust in light of these challenges, reconciling the need to continue to strengthen its operational capacities while adapting to a changing environment.

This Multi-Annual Strategy emphasizes the need to deliver more and better results in the core operational activities of Eurojust: aiming at excelling in the support to the Member States, providing advice based on operational experience, and further improving organisational effectiveness.




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