Implementation report of the action plan on drug trafficking

16 January 2015|PUBLICATION
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The purpose of this Implementation Report of the Action Plan on Drug Trafficking is to assess the follow-up of the recommendations listed in the Action Plan as a result of the strategic project Enhancing the work of Eurojust in drug trafficking cases (Eurojust: 2012, page 61).1 The Report also identifies areas where greater efforts are needed and provides suggestions for possible future improvement.

A preliminary version of the Report was presented in January 2014 to the College of Eurojust, which decided to integrate this quantitative assessment with an in-depth analysis of three areas where more substantial work was deemed necessary to fully achieve the objectives of the Action Plan. The results of this analysis are now included in three addenda to this Report (entitled Issues in focus), concentrating on judicial issues related to: controlled deliveries, (pre)precursors and New Psychoactive Substances (NPS), and cooperation with third States.

The three Issues in focus provided a starting point for discussions at the strategic meeting on drug trafficking held by Eurojust on 29 and 30 September 2014 in The Hague. The preliminary results of the analysis were refined in light of feedback received from the participants of this meeting.




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