Eurojust News Issue 15

07 September 2017|PUBLICATION
Publication cover

This issue of Eurojust News focuses on Eurojust’s role in counter-terrorism and relevant developments.

The recent terrorist attacks have led to unprecedented support for further European counterterrorism cooperation to protect EU citizens from the threat of terrorism. While 38 people died in terrorist attacks in the European Union between 2009 and 2013, in 2016 alone, this number rose to 142 dead, 379 injured, and 142 failed, foiled or completed attacks (source: TE-SAT 2017), making the need for better European coordination at EU level to prevent such attacks even clearer. The EU’s four pillars of counterterrorism, prevention, protection, pursuit and response, have been enhanced to better combat this new wave of terrorism, and through this, Eurojust’s role in counter-terrorism has developed.




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