Strengthening global judicial cooperation

10 July 2018|NEWS

Eurojust welcomes UN Under-Secretary-General Voronkov

On 10 July, the President of Eurojust, Mr Ladislav Hamran, hosted a visit by the Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT), Mr Vladimir Voronkov.

The high-level meeting to discuss possibilities for collaboration on counter-terrorism activities was timely, as strengthening international cooperation and coordination to disrupt terrorist networks and prevent radicalisation remains crucial in the fight against terrorism.

Eurojust has followed the work of the UNOCT with great interest since the office was launched in June 2017. Opening a dialogue between UNOCT and Eurojust is a logical next step, as both organisations are key players in the global fight against terrorism and violent extremism.

The UNOCT was established to coordinate the UN's counter-terrorism efforts and strengthen the support to the UN Member States in implementing the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy and key UN resolutions. It also serves as the Secretariat to the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Coordination Compact (Global Compact).

Mr Voronkov was appointed as the first Head of the UNOCT on 21 June 2017. Prior to the appointment, for over 30 years he worked for the Foreign Service of the Russian Federation, focusing primarily on United Nations affairs.

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