Statement on the start of the German EU Presidency

03 July 2020|NEWS

Statement on behalf of Mr Klaus Meyer Cabri, National Member for Germany and Vice President of Eurojust, on the occasion of the start of the German EU Presidency:

'In these uniquely challenging times, the Covid crisis, its consequences and the recovery are the core issues for the next 6 months. The most important is that we continue to stay healthy and united.
Eurojust has so far done an excellent job in dealing with the challenges that the Covid crisis has brought with it. Our case work has increased and the proactive coordination of cross-border investigations of serious crime that Eurojust offers to national authorities has continued to take place, with the same standards of quality. We have seen that we can reach our goals also through different channels and methods than we were used to do, including by implementing and adopting novel digital practices.

In a crisis one has to stay motivated, recognize and seize the opportunities. That is also the way forward. At Eurojust, we will continue to work with full speed, motivation, energy and quality, since we are proud to be creating added value of the EU, and contributing to a safer Europe, on a daily basis.
One  main lesson learned from the past months is that the digitalization of justice needs to progress rapidly. I am very pleased that during the German Presidency, the Digital Criminal Justice Agenda will enter the next phase. Eurojust is the ideal the catalyst for the European judicial criminal justice environment within this initiative and I and the Agency are looking forward to taking part.'