New National Member for Finland joins Eurojust

03 August 2023|PRESS RELEASE

Heli VesaajaMs Heli Vesaaja has taken up her duties as the new National Member for Finland at Eurojust, replacing Ms Lilja Limingoja. Before this appointment, Ms Vesaaja worked for the Prosecution District of Southern Finland, as a prosecutor since 1997 and as a senior specialised prosecutor since 2019. Since 2007, she has specialised in organised crime, drug trafficking and money laundering. She has actively participated in multiple joint investigation teams.

Commenting on her new role as National Member, Ms Vesaaja said: I am honoured to join Eurojust as the new Finnish National Member. Having prosecuted many cases in my home country with assistance from Eurojust, I know how crucial the role of the Agency is in fighting cross-border organised crime. I look forward to building on the work undertaken by Ms Lilja Limingoja and to meeting my new colleagues at Eurojust.

Ms Vesaaja has been working in the field of international cooperation since 2002. In addition to her career as a prosecutor, Ms Vesaaja has worked at the European Court of Human Rights as a court lawyer, in the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) as a magistrate, as a senior adviser for legislative matters at the Ministry of Justice in Finland, and as a Seconded National Expert to the Directorate-General for Justice, Freedom and Security, at the European Commission.

Until 2021, Ms Vesaaja was a member of the International Unit of the Helsinki Prosecutor´s Office. Prior to her appointment as a National Member, she also served for many years as a Contact Point for the European Judicial Network (EJN).