New Finnish Minister of the Interior learns about Eurojust during visit

03 October 2019|NEWS

Ms Maria Ohisalo, who was just appointed Minister of the Interior of Finland in June of this year, visited Eurojust today. She attended presentations on the work and role of Eurojust, met with the President of Eurojust, Mr Ladislav Hamran, the Administrative Director, Mr Nick Panagiotopoulos and the National Member for Finland, Ms Lilja Limingoja.

Also on the agenda were discussions on the new Eurojust Regulation and cooperation with Europol and the EPPO. In addition, Ms Ohisalo toured the exhibition of Finnish art displayed throughout the building in celebration of the Finnish Presidency of the European Union.

Ms Ohisalo's visit comes midway through the Finnish Presidency. Enhancing respect for the rule of law and protecting the security of citizens are two of its priorities.

From January until June of this year, Finland was involved in 50 new Eurojust cases, as well as 103 ongoing cases from previous years, often involving trafficking in human beings and drug trafficking.

Ms Ohisalo is a Member of Parliament and an expert on social welfare issues. She was accompanied on this visit by advisors from the Ministry of the Interior, a representative from the Ministry of Justice and the Finnish Ambassador, Ms Päivi Kaukoranta.

- Link to FI Presidency
- Link to FI country profile

Photo: © Eurojust. From left to right: Mr Hamran, Ms Ohisalo, Ms Limingoja and Ms Kaukoranta