National Experts on joint investigation teams explore ways of enhancing cooperation with Latin American countries

13 October 2023|NEWS

In recent years, judicial cooperation in criminal matters between EU and Latin American countries has intensified. This has given rise to the first four joint investigation teams (JITs) involving Argentina, Brazil and Ecuador being established with the support of Eurojust. The 19th Annual Meeting of the Network of National Experts on JITs explored how to step up judicial and law enforcement cooperation between EU Member States and Latin American countries in the fight against serious organised crime.

Latin American criminal networks play a major role in drug trafficking and often collaborate with EU-based criminal groups. As a result, vast quantities of cocaine are trafficked from Latin America to the EU, generating huge profits for criminals in both regions. This trade also fuels criminal enterprises, undermining the EU's economy, institutions and society. 

During the 19th Annual Meeting of National Experts on JITs, practitioners explored the need for and possibilities of establishing JITs with Latin American countries. The event was hosted by the JITs Network Secretariat at the Eurojust premises on 12-13 October. 

The meeting was opened by Mr Ladislav Hamran, President of Eurojust, and Mr Burkhard Mühl, Head of the European Financial & Economic Crime Centre at Europol, and chaired by Ms Tatiana Jancewicz, Head of the JITs Network Secretariat. 

Prosecutors from Italy, Brazil and Chile presented case examples of successful judicial cooperation and shared their experiences on recurring challenges and best practices. Participants also had the opportunity to discuss other existing and possible future projects and instruments to further promote and enhance cooperation with Latin American countries, including joint initiatives such as common projects and training programmes. 

A JIT is one of the most advanced tools used in international cooperation in criminal matters. It comprises a legal agreement between competent authorities of two or more states for the purpose of carrying out criminal investigations. 

The JITs Network consists of at least one JIT National Expert per Member State, who acts as a Contact Point for national authorities, such as prosecutors, investigative judges and law enforcement authorities. All JIT National Experts have long-standing expertise in the functioning of JITs and can provide information on the practicalities of setting up teams with other countries. Eurojust hosts the JITs Network Secretariat.