Ladislav Hamran appointed White Ribbon Ambassador

12 January 2018|NEWS

EIGE, the European Institute for Gender Equality, is promoting the appointment of White Ribbon Ambassadors within the European Union to join the campaign to pledge their support to eliminating violence against women.

'Violence against women is a shameful reality throughout the European Union and across the world. Mostly it is committed by men. It is rooted in gender inequalities, and it still far too often goes unnoticed and unchallenged. The White Ribbon Campaign exists to change this.

Men and boys wearing the White Ribbon declare that they will never commit, excuse, or remain silent about men's violence against women. White Ribbon is one of the world's largest male-led campaigns to end men's violence against women. It started in 1991 in Canada, and is now active in many countries across the globe. Every year, it is growing stronger as more men and boys realise that women's and girls' safety is their issue, too. Men are part of the solution. You are part of the solution. Your voice matters. Take the White Ribbon pledge and join the campaign now.'  [Source: EIGE]

Today, Eurojust's President, Ladislav Hamran, was appointed White Ribbon Ambassador, joining ministers, politicians, academics and high-ranking EU officials.

Mr Hamran said, 'Every day, women throughout the world and from all walks of life face humiliation, discrimination and violence. Victims of violence are forced to handle their plight while their abusers go free and witnesses look the other way. I do not. I am a proud ambassador for the White Ribbon campaign. Together, we must and we can stop violence against women.'


Photo: © Eurojust