Judicial training institutes discuss international cooperation in criminal matters

14 March 2022|NEWS

EuroMed Justice, the National Institute of Magistracy in Bucharest and the Belgian Judicial Training Institute have co-hosted a round table to share practices on the development of curricula on international judicial cooperation in criminal matters. The event, organised under the EuroMed Justice Programme Technical Assistance Facility, took place in Bucharest, Romania, between 8 and 10 March.

Round table event group picture

More than 40 directors and senior lecturers from national judicial schools from Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Lebanon, Palestine*, Tunisia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Romania participated in the event. Representatives from the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL), the Academy of European Law (ERA), the European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA), Sustainable Criminal Justice Solutions Europe (SCJS Europe) and the Euro-Arab Judicial Training Network (EAJTN) were also present.

The participants emphasised the need to better equip their criminal justice authorities to address serious and cross-border crime with training on international judicial cooperation. EuroMed Justice can support training institutes in the South Partner Countries (SPCs) to develop initial and continuous training sessions for magistrates on international judicial cooperation in criminal matters.

The growing role of the EAJTN in building sustainable cross-Mediterranean relations between judicial training institutes was also discussed at the event.

A second round table on the same topic will be organised at the Belgium Judicial Training Institute in September 2022.

*This designation shall not be construed as recognition of a State of Palestine and is without prejudice to the individual positions of the Member States on this issue.