Judicial cooperation in cybercrime matters: international joint conference

28 February 2018|NEWS



Co-organisers: Council of Europe and Eurojust
Dates: 7 and 8 March 2018
Location: Eurojust, The Hague


This international conference is co-organised by Eurojust and the Cybercrime Programme Office of the Council of Europe (C-PROC) within the framework of the Global Action on Cybercrime Extended (GLACY+) Project.

Participants, who will represent more than 60 countries from around the world, will gain a better understanding of the role and tools of Eurojust and the use of the Budapest Convention to assist them in international cooperation and the pursuit of a common criminal policy toward cybercrime and the gathering of electronic evidence. The opportunities offered by capacity-building projects, combined with the experience of participating countries, are expected to create new synergies and avenues for efficient international cooperation.

Participants are officials engaged in international cooperation with experience in cybercrime and electronic evidence, including prosecutors and representatives of authorities responsible for mutual legal assistance in criminal matters.