Joint statement of Eurojust and the Commission

04 October 2018|NEWS


Judicial Cooperation: Eurojust and the European Commission welcome the vote in the European Parliament on the reform of Eurojust

Today, the European Parliament approved the reform of Eurojust, the EU agency responsible for judicial cooperation. Eurojust's mission is to reinforce the effectiveness of national authorities involved in the investigation and prosecution of cases of serious organised cross-border crime and to bring criminals to justice swiftly and efficiently. The EU Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality, Vera Jourová, said:

'In 2017, the agency provided support in 4 125 cases involving different Member States. Eurojust has played a key role in guaranteeing the security of Europeans. The vote in the Parliament allows Eurojust to pursue its mission in the fight against cross-border crime and terrorism. With a strengthened agency, the security of European citizens will be improved.'

Ladislav Hamran, President of Eurojust, added:

'The need for reinforced cooperation between prosecutors across borders has never been as important as it is today. Obtaining solid evidence allows us to put criminals behind bars. The role of Eurojust is essential in cases with an international dimension.'

The reform will permit Eurojust to work with the new EPPO, adapt to the new rules on the protection of data in force since May, and give more control to the European Parliament and national parliaments in the activities of the agency. The Council of the EU will adopt the new Regulation in the beginning of November, at which time it will be published in the Official Journal.