First joint investigation team between France and Italy


31 May 2018

In May 2018, Eurojust held a coordination meeting with representatives of the judicial authorities of France and Italy, as well as the French and Italian National Desks at Eurojust, to set up a joint investigation team (JIT) in the context of a serious case of transnational nature. The resulting JIT agreement was the first of its kind to be signed by the two Member States concerned, also thanks to the recently adopted Italian legislation implementing Council Framework Decision 2002/465/JHA.

Eurojust will facilitate the cooperation between France and Italy by providing the necessary financial and logistical support to this JIT. As one of Eurojust's most effective judicial cooperation tools, this JIT will assist in coordinating the parallel investigations of the French and Italian authorities involved, through the exchange of case-related information and evidence in a speedier and more efficient manner. This JIT will ensure that the ne bis in idem principle is respected, thus avoiding the unnecessary investigation and prosecution of the same suspect through two different national jurisdictions.


- Eurojust and coordination meetings
- Eurojust and JITs

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